As we wrap up 2022, I wanted to take a moment to look back & review a few favorite recipes from my first calendar year as a blogger. It’s definitely been a learning experience (with more learning needed), but also definitely a rewarding one. Thank you everyone for your views/support as I’ve begun this journey. Here are 3 recipe highlights in particular. Let me know if you made any of these!
(1) Fastest to Make – Super Easy Quick Bruschetta

As the name implies, this one is super quick to make. Odds are, you have the ingredients to make this in your kitchen. Ideally best served on french bread that’s been toasted in an oven, then sliced, but any sort of bread will work. I even like to add the mix on top of tortilla chips sometimes.
If you find yourself with a quick need to make up a dish to take to a gathering, it’s hard to beat this one!
(2) Longest lasting – Truffle-iscious Cookie Bars

This sweet treat is best made in large batches on a baking sheet. Once cooked in the oven & cooled off afterwards, they can be cut into small slices. Since they don’t need to be refrigerated, they can last for a while. Helpful if you make them up ahead of time before taking to a gathering.
(3) Biggest WOW factor – Supreme Pizza Wontons

Whether it’s a post run tailgate party, house warming party, office party, or any other type of gathering, bringing these wontons to share with others will definitely bring a wow factor!
This one does require a bit more in terms of ingredients & planning, but it is definitely worth it!
Did you try any of these recipes? Let me know in the comments!
Again, I’d like to say thank you to those who have viewed/commented/supported my blogging efforts so far. Stay tuned for lots of awesome new recipes in 2023!