Recipes to fill you up after a long run, or any other time!

matt standing in front of wall art

About Me

I started to take cooking seriously when I turned 30 (36 as of the time of this writing)

At the time when I turned 30, I had this regular weekly potluck meet up with friends.  Prior to my turning 30, I was definitely one of those guys who would just stop by a convenience store on the way there to pick up a bag of Doritos.

However once I hit 30, something shifted in me & I felt the need to step up my game.  So I started learning to make various appetizers to bring.  Then from there, I kept expanding

A few years later, I started to run with a running group regularly, training for marathons & half marathons.  Saturdays are long run days.  After those long runs, I saw that a lot of runners would get together for a tailgate party to celebrate finishing the run & just have a good time.  In going to those, I noticed that, for the most part, usually people brought drinks or snacks from a convenience store.

As a way to contribute to the group & facilitate getting to know people better, I decided to start cooking dishes to bring to these tailgates, similar to what I’d done before with the weekly friend meet up.  However it’s taken on a whole new life & encouraged me to be more creative & take my skills further.

I like to try to go for dishes that aren’t so common

As far as difficulty levels, some are more simple to make.  Others are more complex & take more planning

These days I eat a type of Flexitarian diet (no red meat ever, sometimes chicken but not often).  Most of my dishes reflect that

Whether you’re a runner or not, these are some fun recipes that are meant to be shared!!   

Great also/otherwise for…

              Taking to parties

              Taking into the workplace

              Family/holiday potlucks