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Breakfast Pinwheels

breakfast pinwheels on baking sheet

This is one I came up with when I wanted to do something fairly quick, with ingredients I would likely already have on hand. It's also a very eye catching dish - I'm a big believer that people eat with their eyes before they eat with their mouths, and this definitely fits in with that!

These are best served immediately after cooking, or if wrapped up in foil right after cooking & placed into an insulated container. I'm able to make these early on a Saturday morning before a long run, wrap them up in foil, and when it comes time for a tailgate party after the run, they are still warm & ready to be enjoyed!

Ratings 5 from 1 votes
Difficulty Intermediate
Prep Time: 2 mins Cook Time: 8 mins Rest Time: 1 min Total Time: 11 mins
Servings 6
Best Season
    Grocery Ingredients Needed
  • 1 Flour Tortilla Wrap
  • 3 Eggs
  • 2 tablespoons Colby Jack Cheese (shredded)
  • .5 cups Feta Cheese
  • 2 Roma Tomato
  • 2 tablespoons Cilantro
  • 2 tablespoons Basil
  • 1 tablespoon Coconut Oil
  • Kitchen Tools Needed
  • Skillet
  • Cutting Board
  • Serrated Knife
  • Spatula
  • Dinner Plate
    Cooking the Egg Mix
  1. With the skillet on your stove, turn heat on medium high
  2. Whisk 3 or 4 eggs together in a small bowl, and pour into skillet
  3. When the egg mixture starts to become solid, sprinkle the colby jack cheese, feta cheese, and basil on top of the eggs. Cover the Skillet with a lid and let cook for an additional 1-2 minutes
  4. When the mixture has become solid, it s ready to be removed. Turn off the burner
  5. Assembling the Pinwheel
  6. Use the spatula to slide the egg mix onto the tortilla wrap
    -Do NOT center the mix on the tortilla. Place it where it meets an edge, like in the picture
  7. Add cilantro on top of the egg mix
  8. Using your finers, apply the coconut oil to the opposite edge. This is used to seal the wrap.placing coconut oil on wrap edge
  9. starting from the side opposite where the coconut oil is, start to roll up the wrap towards the coconut oil side.
    When rolled, gently press down to to seal
  10. transfer the roll to the cutting board
  11. starting from the middle, use the serrated knife to slice the roll into pieces, like slicing a loaf of breadslicing pinwheel wraps with knife
  12. You now have some delicious breakfast pinwheels ready to serve! Enjoy!breakfast pinwheels on cutting board
Keywords: pinwheels, breakfast